May 6, 2007


What is particularly intriguing about Symbiopsychotaxiplasm are the reactions from the audience upon viewing. The level of interest, or better yet, intrigue, could be felt throughout the screening room. And the audience's take on the film is not dissimilar from Greaves's agitated film crew. The crew is dissatisfied with the direction that Greaves's takes with the film, and decides that there might be a larger meaning behind the director's apparent inadequacy. The crew is 'genuinely' mystified about Greaves's intents on the project, and realize that he may be creating something completely different...What is clear however, is that there is an overall level of unexplainable intrigue into the inner workings of a project that has no direction but what it makes for itself. The crew, in their questionings, allow the film the unfold in an extermely unique fashion, enabling the director to become the lead actor, instead of the proposed actors. Regardless of what Greaves originally intended for the project, the film succeeds in revealing deeper sediments than anticipated. The distinction between fiction,reality,and their relation to a storyline is blurred to an incomprehensible level. So much so that the crew doesn't know what's the 'real' agenda of the filmmaker. In the end, Symbiopsychotaxiplasm's journey is both extraordinary and open-ended.

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