May 7, 2007

The Degree 3 Documentary

In Faking it, Roscoe and Hight break documentaries up into three levels. The first level is a simple parody that only reflects on the subject while using a documentary structure. The second level is documentaries having a subtle look upon themselves while they have constructed a parody. The most complex level is a parody on the structure itself. In the book they mention Man Bites Dog, but I think Medium Cool could fit into this category as well. As in Man Bites Dog, Medium Cool, plays with the media roles of the character. At the end, the characters die and the camera focuses on the lens of the camera, a comment about the whole structure of not just this film, but of the film community. People of all backgrounds can enjoy the category 3, but it would be the most interesting to people within the film community. The more one knows about a situation, topic, structure ect. The more one can take out of mockumentary.

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