May 7, 2007

Goodnight & Goodluck - Kudos, Clooney

I never had much interest in seeing this movie while in theaters. Nothing against it right off the bat, just wasn't my cup of tea. I'm really glad I didn't, because I don't think I would have had the opportunity to enjoy it the way I did. I really liked looking at Good Night and Good Luck from the angle we were able to - as a makeshift documentary. Clooney did fantastic - from the props to the archival footage, I think it all came together really well and looked great. I hate it when people think you can make a movie in black and white and all of a sudden it will we a 1950's noir looking classic - it's so much more than that. The movie itself did well with connection human traits to the media boom and the growing world around them, and did a really, really great job of using documentary style shooting to bring a legitimate piece of time and a really memorable story to the big screen in a fashion that modern day audiences could enjoy.

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