May 7, 2007

Reality TV: Poisioning America

Reality TV has become a pain here in America and it is ruining the younger generation. Reality TV claims to be real when in fact it is coherced in every way. Producers play a big part in this process. They are the ones responsible for making a reality show worth watching. How does this happen? Well situations are setup by them. They make sure there is some form of controversy that will take place to give the show an entertainment value that will keep the viewer drawn to it. Reality shows are not scripted line for line, but they are scripted in the sense that the producers are going to know exactly what is going to happen each day. So there is not much reality behind the concept if scenes are being forced to happen and just do not happen naturally. Look at Jerry Springer for example. The guests are real and the situations are real, but the producers coherce them in to acting like animas when they are on their show for the sake of being exciting and keeping the viewer drawn to the show. Tis reality tv boom has lead to a nonstop exploitation of everything. From the Amish people to babysitters everyone is getting on the reality tv boom. Youtube is a result because of this phonomenom and this is where the younger generation is getting the wrong impression. They are jumping on this bandwagon not knowing the demeaning values that it has in the end.


jarryd meyer said...

Yeah, reality tv shows are the devil. I feel bad for the Jerry Springer show more than any other ones. Nowadays reality tv shows know they are cheesy, and fake, and filled with morons, but back in the day Jerry Springer was really trying to make a difference. Perhaps he's a guy who cares only about money/ratings, but old school Jerry had a real message to it, its something that is missed in the more contempoarary episodes.

Catie Wolf said...

Jerry Springer was trying to make a difference? Oh Jarryd, cooooooome on now - that was all simply entertainment, all for the $$. You know, some of these reality shows actually got me - Survivor, first episosde. I was a junior, and remember people betting lunch money on who'd win, I did think it was areally cool concept - very new and in the moment. But these days, its all people just trying to get themselves noticed somehow or another - "discovered." Nobody's safe - and more and more reality shows are popping up. I always thought it was because people like to watch other succeed or fail (either or). I don't so much have a problem with reality shows in general - they're most likely hear to stay. I just wish people wouldnt take them so seriously - that's when I'm forced to stop, turn around, and wonder what the future of media (and mankind)is coming to.

Shaun Bonnett said...

Brian Chasey is headed in the right direction with his article on Reality TV. What’s the deal with real? You dig what I feel?