May 7, 2007

Fake or Not to Fake? - Pseudodocumentary (Chap. 3)

I've always liked the word "psuedo". Never really knew what it meant, always assumed it was similar to a version of something. Thus. Psuedo-documentary. = "like" a documentary. Then there's the fact that there are loads of definitions for drama documentaries. Genre conventions have no weight, other than camera movement and technique. It's interesting to hear it described in this way. Honestly, before coming to this class, I had no idea how blurry the lines were between a documentary and a non-documentary in general (aside from camera shots, etc). But then comes the different segments of a documentary, which blurrs lines even more. Chapter 3 brought me t oa conclusion that documentary is something that will forever keep changing to meet the needs of not only the director but the audience, and classification of a documentary film is more or less based on opinion than book savvy fact.

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