April 1, 2007

Children in Tire Die

In "Tire Die" the children could be looked at from two different perspectives. During the segment where all of the children are begging for change what was the filmmaker going for. Did he want to portray the children as a nuisance, or did he want to show them in a light that sympathized with them. Portraying them, as a nuisance certainly could be a possibility, at one point their yelling of throw ten becomes so annoying that it hurts the ears. The director obviously wanted to amp up the volume on the children to have an effect on the audience. However at the same time the director could have been trying to sympathize with the children by showing their sheer numbers and how loud that they were. What also ads to this point of view are the people on the train that take on the two different perspectives. Some of the people obviously feel bad for the kids and throw them change, on the other hand some of the people on the train sit there and try to ignore the children. The film could be read from either perspective depending upon the person watching it.

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